
Virtual GDC

Started by April 09, 2000 01:34 AM
62 comments, last by max621 24 years, 4 months ago
I read a post a while back on someone making a Virtual GDC type thing... I asked to be contacted but I havent. So if that''s you reading this, CONTACT ME! ICQ 17420367 Otherwise, I''m gonna try my best to createa VGDC of my own
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Hi! That sounds great.. Could you tell me more about this virtual GDC idea? How would it be organised? How could one participate in it?

Well I''m not too sure yet, I''d need to know how intrest people would give into this idea. I guess there would be one large website or a custom browser that goes to the website/server. Each company would get a booth. It would be really cool if we could use some sort of VRML type tech. to create like a large expo center with booths that are textured, and than you go into the spot, do text chat and stuff, and watch some streaming video, or download stuff. Thats maybe too big of a idea, so a web only first annual VGDC could take place... and than a 3D world killer confrence To participate in it, contact me on ICQ or email, and provide these deatils:
Your name
Company''s name
How you can help in the VGDC
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Would it then be only for "real" companies or for all of us with so-called "companies" as well? I think the VRML thing would be cool, but it might not work on everyones machines..

Everyone is welcome. I don''t think any big company like Sirrea or EA would show up, so it''s mostly a small developer place. It will be to share new ideas. If someone gives someone else a new idea, and those people use it, can the original author sue them or something? We could create a program using like Jet3D (cuz there isnt much time to develop any other engine, unless someone would like to share theirs)
BTW, how can we capture displays from the screen into real player so that it can stream? Does the realplayer authoring thing have the power, or do u need to make ur own AVI and than use RP?
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Oh and, please tell ur friends to come to this discussion and post their thoughts, 2 people wont create a VGDC
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
It sounds very cool...I''ll help out if you need anyone. Now we have 3 people!

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
I''ll help too, but I doubt I could be of any real help as far as programming the thing goes. I mean, I''d love to help set it up, run it- anything that doesn''t take website programming because I''m not too good at it, but if you want, you can count me in

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Cool, so far its a nice turn out.. so that would be a total of 4 people. Do any of you have ICQ?
My number is 17420367. Also do any of you guys want to signup as a company? Or just help out?
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
My icq is 44138716
I probably won''t be on ICQ tonight, but I''ll be on definately tomorrow morning.
Hmm... I\m not sure if it this entire project would benefit if we were considered a company... well, I dunno- it''s not up to me, it''s up to you, but let''s just see!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!

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