
best 3rd person action/adventure/RPG

Started by September 10, 2002 10:04 AM
31 comments, last by loftyideals 20 years, 9 months ago
Genius that I am, I still somehow managed to read "RPG" into the original post. Umm... I''d like to add Super Metroid and Zelda 3-5.
MDK, the first one, was an excellent game. I still play it on occasion. I bought the second one but it sucked. Anyway it''s not an RPG or really an adventure, but it''s a third-person light-hearted shooter. But it''s a useful example of how to do the action sequences - for example, all of the enemies'' attacks are relatively slow-moving projectiles that you can dodge, and you ran quickly and jumped high.

~CGameProgrammer( );

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Metal Gear Solid 1 on PSX.
Metal Gear Solid 2 on PS2.
Devil May Cry on PS2.
Deux Ex,Thief1&2,SystemShock2,Ultima''s on PC.
Resident Evil 1 on PC.
Tomb Raider 1 on PC.

Oni is quite cool too, especially with the shapeshifter cheatcode, playing with the kung-fu-ish female model is a real bliss..
"Shadow of annoyance Ne''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''er to ascend again..."
Gothic for a hybrid action-adventure-RPG, but it could''ve had a 1st-person view too. More games need BOTH view perspectives...
new out on the xbox is dead to rights...similar to max payne with more "hardware" and variation due to some entertaining minigames.

graphically inferior to payne and proof that mouse and keyboard is still the best control method for movement and looking. uses an auto aim to compensate.

mgs 2 is still one of the best and i too enjoyed Oni.
Blade of Darkness was the best game I played last year. Excellent 3rd person action/RPG, although not so many liked it (it had rather ackward controls so it took a while to adjust to them)
So someone can tally the votes:

(from what ive played, I want to to try Oni now though)
Best RPGs,
Diablo II

Worst RPGs,
Nevewinter Nights,
Dungeon Siege

ohh yeah
FF3 rocks
Zelda: MJ and OoT
Final Fantasy VII [<----best](VIII...ewww)
[for branching side stories and activity]
Secret of Mana [<----best]
[for only console RPG, at the time, with
multiplayer and a damn good story]
Senken Densetsu 3
Devil May Cry

edit: thank you for mentioning those i almost forgot about them.

[edited by - Alpha_ProgDes on October 2, 2002 11:55:08 PM]

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My votes go to Metal Gear Solid (2 is probably better, but I haven''t played it yet) and Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. The first two TRs were really good, but the third one sucked completely. TLR brought back what made the series a success in the first place while keeping the extra control elements from 3 like crawling.

As for RPGs, I''d pick Chrono Trigger or Xenogears over FF3 although it''s a close choice. Honorable mention goes to Lufia 2 for all the nifty puzzles.

if chrono trigger or xenogears had multiplayer (which they should have) then it would be up there with Secret of Mana (which Senken Densetsu 2, did i spell that right?) and S.D.3.

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