

Started by September 10, 2002 08:49 AM
9 comments, last by Nick7 22 years, 5 months ago
Nick, i''ll save you some trouble.
I''ve been trying to splice out code from NVIDIA''s site, and, for the most part, have been successful. I''ve been disabling platform independent things (IE Register combiners) and took a TON of their ''options'' out. I''ve got a pretty slim version right now.
My problem i''m running into is the multi texturing. Seems anytime i use the:
glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_OPERAND0_RGB_EXT, GL_SRC_COLOR); tag, my GL_TEXTURE0_ARB goes to shit. I can post the code i''ve spliced, someone drop me an e-mail.. it''s a pretty shitty hack job, just so i can understand the algo better.

==Colt "MainRoach" McAnlisGraphics Engineer -

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