Guess I''ll start at the beginning. Man, is this going to be a long post.
instead of having experince and levels, you have skills to pull you through. This lets you mix and match your charcter class and also abandons leveling
Wow, what a concept! Nobody''s ever done that! Oh wait... yeah they have.
Anyway, this has been discussed to some length. There are many ways to actually implement it, whether it be numerical value stats, or % skill max.
Then to keep it intresting for people who like leveling, players get coolness points
Yeah, just to let you know, that won''t be interesting for people who like leveling. There will be a very small number of people who like it, but not enough to make implementing the system worthwhile. But after thinking about it for a little while there are some thoughts that I would have for it. I''ll get into that later.
If a player dies, the loose everything - except coolness points. Also if you finish the game (you loose control of your charcter) you gain lots of coolness points
Sounds like karma and karma would probably be a LOT better name than ''coolness points'', since with coolness points you''ll attract all of the non-paying 14 year olds that you can dream of, while karma might pull in more mature players who can actually get a credit card number legally, without their parents.
Skill based advancement is a great leap away from D&D rules. So many games have D&D or similar derivitives to those rule sets, and really bore me. They offer a great baseline to compare any new systems though.
There is a lot in this paragraph, though you have to dig between the lines. Yes, there are a number of games that use ''levels'' and the standard stat set (str, con, dex, int, wis, cha, hp, mp). Is this because it''s a good system or because it''s a system that is easily understandable? Probably the latter. You can spend weeks, if not longer figuring out how to guage power in your traditional game that is skill based, but you know that a 30th level warrior *should* be about on par with a 30th level wizard or priest and they *should* be well suited to group together. Who should I group with if my sword skill is at 3000 but my defense skill is only at 2100? Which is more important? You get the idea I''m sure.
So if you want to make players have to stay somewhat specialized, you need some kind of capping system.
Not necessarily. What if you set the skill cap so high that it would take someone 5 years of non-stop playing to actually cap a skill (24-bit skill cap, with a skill increase every 30 seconds of use on average)? What is the effect? The same as in real life. If you specialize you end up with amazing, if somewhat limited abilities and if you generalize you can deal with a larger variety of situations, but you limit your potential overall. Was Elrond limited in his abilities with a melee weapon (it would appear that his weapon of choice was a spear in the movie) to not learn magic? No, his healing abilities were amazing, healing potentially better than even Gandalf could have, even after he remembers what and who he is after the battle with the Balrog. Skill caps aren''t necessary, just a way to keep players from all becoming gods.
Let''s be real though, how tough would a warrior really have to be to be able to beat a giant? That giant lands one solid blow and any warrior is toast, period. The human (or Orc, Elf, Goblin, Dwarf, etc...) body is simply not designed to take a freight train smashing into it and that''s what a well swung giant''s hammer would be like, a train smashing some poor guy into pieces. Anyone who''s ever seen a semi hit a deer knows what I''m talking about... the deer is a spray of red goo across the road.
Skills could be forgotten over time
I thought of this when I started. Then I thought of every single skill that I haven''t used in years and years. I haven''t played a saxophone in at least 14 years, but I''m pretty sure that if I picked one up I would be at or above my greatest skill level within a couple of months... then again I stunk (just not naturally talented with woodwind instruments, percussion on the other hand...). But it is still proves my point. I still know how to play the saxophone and haven''t done so since 14 years ago. How are you going to justify atrophying out of existence a skill that has been used within the last 3 years game time when you still can remember A^2 + B^2 = C^2 regardless of the fact that you haven''t done any geometry in over 5 years? You can still remember that pi(r^2) is the area of a circle and that 2pi(r) is the circumference? I''m 31 years old and haven''t had a good use for geometry for as long as I can remember, but I still know all that stuff from a class that I took over 14 years ago. Even using a 4 -> 1 ratio of game time to real time, how would you justify atrophying a skill before someone was playing the game for a year worth of real time? All they have to do is gain 3 or 4 skill points within that time and that would keep them refreshed enough with the skill to where there is no reason to atrophy it.
Skill caps and Atrophy were designed because people are still making games designed to be played for 2 weeks or even 2 months, yet people are playing them for 2 years (any MMOG) or longer. Diablo was really designed to be played for maybe a couple of months, even Diablo2 was designed around that period of time, but people will play the characters for longer, even though they long before acquired the best equipment possible and have defeated the strongest creatures over and over.
Look at Everquest... 50th level was supposed to be something where people hit it and then pretty much started another character, but we kept playing longer (I never hit 50th level myself, I''m more of a casual gamer) and they bumped it up to 60th level, but we still kept on playing, now they''ve added more stuff and we still keep playing, so they''re adding ''planes of power'' and I''m sure people will still keep playing and they''ll have to add even more for those top level players.
The solution to atrophy and skill caps? Design games to be played for 2+ years. Make creatures that are so powerful that it takes playing the game for a year and a half before you can even consider possibly challenging them. Make spells that have abilities beyond what others can do well into the higher levels. Simply recycling the old spells over and over can''t get it, save some abilities for the higher levels.
I''ll start another post to continue...