
Test my 3d World :)

Started by August 25, 2002 02:28 PM
41 comments, last by Sashka 22 years, 6 months ago
3dWorld Please test my 3d world, write me what fps do you get at what system/screen resolution in which room. The controls are w,s,q,e walk space jump mouse look around Tab info ~ write message it works over the internet but unfortunately you won't be able to connect the server since I am on Lan behind the firewall Tell me if u like it, what should be improved... I would really appreciate some ideas about what I should do next with it Thank you all in advance. [edited by - sashka on August 25, 2002 3:29:26 PM] [edited by - sashka on August 25, 2002 3:31:32 PM]
It crashes dead on my system (and leaves my screen in 640x480 btw...)

Windows 2000, SP3 (<- biggest mistake ever...)
Radeon 32Mb DDR, latest catalyst drivers
Duron 800
256 Mb SDRAM
Looks good. Topped 60 FPS on my geForce3, 1.2 Athlon system.

I like your water effects (in the warp-frame and fountain). The control scheme is a bit awkward (WQES as opposed to WASD), but at least it's better than the arrow keys. You might want to look into time-warping your particle systems so you don't get that initial "spurt," ya know? Just process a couple hundred cycles when you first initialize the system or up your maximum particle capacity.

Overall, great effort.


EDIT: In addition, kill your window, *then* switch back the screen settings. That'll restore things better, IIRC.

//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links

[edited by - zealouselixir on August 25, 2002 9:34:14 PM]



I thought this was a neat little demo/game. Not very graphically appealing I must say, but it played and ran nicely for me which is what counts I think.

On my computer I got ~240fps steady, and I had on fullscreen, antiallasing, and 1024x768 in your options menu. I have an AMD XP 1800, Radeon 8500 ( oc''ed to 300 core ), 256 DDR, and Windows XP. Good luck, and I hope this helps you.
------------------------"If it says it loves me, how can it be a virus?"
Really cool =)

61 fps
Windows XP
GeForce 4 MX 440 64MB RAM

I find that a lot of open gl games have horrible control over frames per second.. for instance starwars jedi knight 2 got about 50 fps on my box, where as directx games like warcraft and such, get 120+.

ran well, except the water particles
60 in the house and pool
40 in the hall
(at highest res)
*antialising option froze the start screen
[duron 650
128 mb
nvidia ge2
p3 700 w/ gf2 - ran nice

60fps in the pool area, 90 or so in the house.

Neat little demo, I like. I especially liked how I could look down and see my feet

Needs lighting, didnt look that great with the world so bright. Also, the mouse movement or something was jerky, try smoothing the mouse (average over the last frame or two).

Flous: It shouldn''t crush unless you unpacked it in wrong way.Maybe you didn''t keep the folders structure as it was in the packed file.

What was wrong with the water particles?

I think the initial "spurt" is really cool, that''s why I kept it
Its nice, I get about 60 FPS in the fountain room at 250+ everywhere else (about 350 max when staring into a wall). However, I would suggest that you change the lines used for splashes (and the fountain) to thin quads so they scale with screen resolution. Currently, as gl lines, they are only one pixel wide at any resolution, so they look smaller in higher resolutions.

1.2GHz AMD TBird
Radeon 8500

"The Requested Information Is Unknown Or Classified" -Anonymous

[edited by - Extrarius on August 26, 2002 1:03:45 PM]
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
chrashed on my system ...
Athlon 1.2
256 Mb SDRAM

follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road

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