
Test my 3d World :)

Started by August 25, 2002 02:28 PM
41 comments, last by Sashka 22 years, 6 months ago
Can you send me some details? When it crashes, how, what does it print?
Windows says :

The instruction at "0x00401cd3" employs the memory address "0c0000000c".
Memory cannot be "read"

The crush occured while trying to create socket.
I disabled all socket connected stuff since you won''t be able to connect the server anyway

Please download again, and tell me if it still crushes.
It runs well now!
XP1700, 256DDR, Geforce4 MX440
1024*768 Antialiasing ON
Hall : ~110FPS
House : ~300FPS
Pool : ~215FPS
Can you do me a favor in posting you source? Im new to openGl and there alot of thing in your demo that interest me, can you?
Runs good on mine, no crashes, I noticed that when jumping in the water though, the music turns off until the sound is done playing. Anti-aliasing also slows it down big time.

Asus GF2 MX-400
Athlon 1.333GHz
Windows 2K
SB Live!
-----For I have seen the face of evil and it will not soon be forgotten.
Athlon 1.6 ghz
GeForce 4 Ti4400

Running at 1024x768 with antialiasing:

230 fps for the pool, drops to around 150 when splashing

Varying between 250 and 700 fps in the house, oddly enough I get like 680 fps when staring up close at the hedge texture, but 250 fps with the brick wall texture O_o

115 fps for the Hall

I love this comp :D
Thank you all for your replies!

But I need some ideas about what I should do next with my project.I wanted it to be like virtual reality where you can come all over the world, talk, meet new people,leave messages
on message board.... But I need something interactive there so that people won''t be bored.Like in shooter you can chase someone with rocket launcher and blow his head off,I need something like this here, so two people who are connected together, can do something together....
Any ideas are welcome,thanx.
Hall (where you start) about 350-300
Fountain 75 fps
Pool 250 fps
house variable 170-300 fps

GeForce2 GTS 64DDR
256 MB DDR
Athlon TB 1,3 GHz

The control scheme is weird as said before, but I prefer the walkspeed a litle higher, maybe like 3 or 4 times.

Also, although the fountain looks reaaly nice, it could do with a little less particles, maybe about 400 quads (no idea what I''m talking about) instead of thousands of lines.

The rest looks neat.

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