
Test my 3d World :)

Started by August 25, 2002 02:28 PM
41 comments, last by Sashka 22 years, 6 months ago
Crashed my comp too and didn''t change screen res back either:

WinME, P3 866, intel chipset graphics
Um why is your "engine" trying to access the net? That is not a nice thing to do to others w/o permission since obviously there was no need to connect to a server!
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989
a reminder to those who are toping at 60-61 fps you will wana turn v-sync off to get a true max frame rate (in vid-card settings)

sashka, some good collision detection and spend some time on the over all look...

good work so far
It shouldn''t crush unless you messed with the configuration file or with Data files.

It tries to connect to the server since it''s ment to be a multiplayer game.If anyone who is not behind the firewall would agree to run the server , then you will see all the people who are connected, you can chat by sending messages with ''~'' key.
I would really like to check how it works in multiplayer mode.
I checked it on my local LAN and it worked just fine.
Crash on Voodoo3 2000+Celeron 600.
Fuzztrek you probably need to turn off VSync for OpenGL, it''s enabled by default. If it''s disabled already, try updating your OpenGL drivers.
Those who wrote that the program crashed: please check that the file Data\world.cfg exists and is available for reading!
Crashed on my system
Windows 2000
Athlon XP1700, 256DDR, Geforce4 MX440

On which OS did you build it?
Windows Xp, P3-733 , Intel 810E onboard Video

Too many crashes, it''s weird .
crashes by me too...

Duron 600
Win98 sec
GF2 Ultra

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