
Onimusha clone? Need to know

Started by August 18, 2002 02:58 PM
3 comments, last by Zido 22 years, 5 months ago
Hello. I am in development with my game, Night Terror. As I was designing it I was wondering. Is it similar to Onimusha? Not the story, but the gameplay. The main character and the only main character is after an enemy and must retrieve all his night gold in order to get strong enough and break through his enemy`s barriers to his castle(the enemy`s castle). Now my concern. The main character uses his sword and blade boomerang to fight through the army of monsters as he travel around the enemy`s kingdom. His sword has a thunder - like power called Night Magic. He can use it to use a number of attacks. Now him fighting and spewing blood of a lot of monsters while he travels is kind of to the the style of Onimusha.
If you are reading this, then you are too attached to signatures!!
actually you are describing any sword swingin adventure game.

though i think you mean to use knight instead of night. i also think you mean lightening instead of thunder since thunder is sound produced by lightening.

in any case knights fight COMPLETLY different then a japanese swordsman. in fact a knight would not be using a boomerang at all. knights used quite heavy double handed swords designed to simply overpower the opponent with brute strength, while a japaneese swordsman would use speed.

though if you ask this question you either want it to be similar, you copied the idea and are simply changing a few items, or came up with it then saw the game.

in any case, your design you give is VERY vauge thus could represent a multitude of hack and slash adventures. why not actually describe the gameplay in more detail since you are describing more of the story then gameplay. ie specific gameplay mechanics such as how fighting is handled, is it 3rd person, 2d side scrolling, overhead, first person, etc. leaving out such details means you assume we will assume what you assume is considered the "norm". guess what, that is a bad idea. describe the gameplay better otherwise the answer basically will be: it depends.
a person: you are correct about the boomerang, the boomerang was invented in Australia

Even two handed swords aren''t heavy. Those very long swords weren''t held like other swords, they had a leather grip in the middle so that it became like a short staff. Despite the extra reach, swinging didn''t work cause it''s too hard to recover if the blow doesn''t connect. The medieval warriors used footwork, speed, and timing just like anyone. There are only so many basic stances you can have for a sword to be effective. The way the sword is made determines what you can do with it next.
It doesn''t sound like a clone, just like a game from that genre...
-----------------------------------------------------------PLEASE don't comment on the pointlessness of this post!!
There is not enough here to describe it as a "clone" of anything. It is all in the details. If you have played Onimusha then you should know best.

So what if it sounds similar? If you are making it, it must have some things about it that you thought would be cool that hasn''t been done yet. Focus on making those elements really good and you will have no problems.


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