
Cel Shaded anime based game - WHY HASNT ANYONE THOUGHT OF THIS?!

Started by August 14, 2002 12:52 AM
53 comments, last by Teamshibi 22 years, 6 months ago
First of all the Robotech game is still "up in the air" gameplay quality wise...Macross (much like Gundam) hasn''t translated to video game format very well over the years...and there are a LOT of Macross games

Second, I''d love to see a Appleseed inspired game (the manga, not that silly anime OVA )...maybe something a little Xenogears-ish...but with real-time combat....Everybody does the giant Gundam/ZOE stuff.

Some other great sources of insperation are those SDF-3D model kits (they were renamed, but can''t recall to what )...alternative history type thing were WW2 is still ongoing, being faught with power armor (it could make a fun RTS)

How about a "super robot" type those sentai type shows (Power Rangers) and all the old Go-Nagi anime...but fused with some more original ideas...Evangalion is an example of this...a small "team" of "super mecha" pilots tries to fight off alien invaders (whom attack with a ''monster of the week'' approch)...Eva took this simple and basic concept, and twisted it around to become something completely new and different.

There is a lot more out there then Gundam/ZOE to be inspired by

There are!

- Jet Set Radio is cel but not specially anime unless you call everything japanese anime,
- Gungrave is also the same,
- There''s this Jet Set Radio clone on PS2 that looks good too,
- Klonoa is somewhere between the two and graphically its killing,
- The arcade racing game from Sega SmileBits altough it wants itself more ''comics'' than anime,
- Loads of japanese only RPG on PS1~2.

And know I really don''t know all the games out there, so that was done and for most parts it looks very good. However, caution about making anime when you are not Japanese. Too often I see awkward tries to this (Oni for example, what you want but not anime) and by the way there is this game about Gundam-like robots fighting rendered in anime it''s out on PC. The name''s Tsunami 20xx with xx being any number you wich...

There is some very good tries sometimes you can check Molly Star Racer trailer video. It''s quite close to the feeling, but directed by a Japanese guy.
Original post by Teamshibi
heh, I know simply through learning everything I can about it. The game will be using a jet for increased speed and manuverability that transforms. I don''t know about you but in my oppinion you should be able to go as fast as a jet in your orbital frame, mech, etc.

Come on now. You don''t need a degree in astro physics to understand that a Jet is more aero dynamic than the human form. Taking this into consideration it''s even more likely that a "mech" would be faster in "jet" mode than it would be in "orbital frame".

In a jet outer forces hit a single point (the nose) which pretty much "cuts" the air around it sending it in various directions. This helps to lower wind resistance, and allows the jet to run along at faster speeds with out expending alot of fuel, and the need for another power source for cooling down the outer hull. In "mech" form this would not be possible. In standing form the wind would actually hit the torso of the mech causing large wind resistance, this would slow the mech down, and increase the heat inside of the mech. Now the other solution to this problem would be to allow the mech to fly like humans swim, head first. Although this would lower the over all wind resistance, I''ve yet to see a mech with a point shaped head, this would result again in the wind hitting a "flat" surface such as the head and shoulders. And again this would result in overheating and a slow down.

Now I realize that you''re allowed ''cartoon physics'', but the makers of anime mech games tend to spend alot of time keeping the over all feel of the machines and their limitations realistically believable. And quite frankly having a transformed mech travel as fast as it''s "jet" counter part just isn''t believeable no matter how you cut it.
You also dont deen a degree in rocket science to know that not only is it physically impossible at this time to hover a huge mech, but to make a harrier like aircraft that transforms into a robot. Anime isnt made for physics its made for out of this world awesomeness.
Take a look at XIII. It''s a fps cartoon like(not anime) in cell shading. Gonna go out for the pc, ps2, gc and xbox. I think it''s the kind of game that you are talkin about. The cartoon do not have the anime style but that dont make much of a difference Imho
Acting like I''m smarter, pfft I don''t act. I also don''t claim to be smarter than anyone. I just feel if your going to trash someone don''t sound like some junky on the street. And if you want a mech battle game with a "STORY" as you put it you''d have an RPG. And when you have an RPG there tends to be more focus on the story and not the battle system. While I suppose it is possible to do what you dream how many people are you pleasing here? You have the mech fans one side tired with reading all this bullshit story and then you have the rpg fans who don''t feel they are twitchy enough for fast paced action or say it''s simulation, they won''t want to be bogged down with setting vertical positon, then horizontal, reading simulation radar, watching fuel, heat, and body damage ratios and percentages. It''s a lot to handle.

I don''t see why you gotta say your twisting my words when obviously I wasn''t referring to you so I really don''t see how you get up in business that isn''t yours.

And about finding a writer and team, why don''t you put it together yourself. Just saying, take the initative not trying to throw around an insult. From the general idea sounds like it would make for a good game if implemented correctly to suit both sides and the middle man, which I don''t think can really happen. In my opinion one side will have to give but you can there is no harm there.

Maybe you should get into more detail, maybe start a design document or something around there, and stop making "idiotic" (since you want me to use that term) statements like "trying to act like your smarter then you are just shows how stupid you are." For in the terms of my good philosopher friend "it sounds lame..."

I think I''m done here, I''ve spent enough time and not nearly enough reason to spend any more. I hope I''ve been helpful in both refining the way you come to conclusions and how to solve your problems. I think I''ll go get a soda...

Bleu Shift -
Entertaining thread... I might as well add my useless and highly opinionated comment to this thread:

ANIME... "pfft!"

"You also dont deen a degree in rocket science to know that not only is it physically impossible at this time to hover a huge mech, but to make a harrier like aircraft that transforms into a robot."

That may be true at this time, but there is nothing in Physics that wouldn''t allow a huge mech to hover or having something that transforms like that. It''s a technology issue not a Physics one. But anyway what do I know, I''ve only watched Gundam like twice when I was bored
geez, anime fans are such zealots (i know, im one as well )
all powerful mechs that can fly like jet, demolish entire cities and let me guess fly in space and re-enter the atmosphere as well, ooh ooh, lets not forget inter-dimensional travel... gotta have that.

Get busy livin'' or get busy dyin''... - Shawshank Redemption
Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'... - Shawshank RedemptionIf a man is talking in the forest, and no woman is around to hear him, is he still wrong? - UnknownFulcrum
Anime are Japanese cartoons. If you want to play a cartoon game, draw your little Gokus and SSJ Gokus on cards... call it Dragon Ball Z: The Gathering. You can do the same with Gundam and any anime game.

What''s so great about anime? I don''t know. It doesn''t take any extreme talent to draw. They''re just cartoons from another culture... bleh...

You have people in here talking about how the technology is really old for some anime games... get over it. Anime is an old-style of cartooning. It''s only profitable because freaks like to pay $30 for two episode VHS tape of Dragon Ball. I did that once and I stopped buying because it was too expensive.

I admit that it''s a pretty cool idea... but on the other hand, if you''re in high school, college, or you''re 30+... you have a major psychological problem if you''re still an anime fanatic. Then again, if you''re 30 and living with mom... and you call her "mommy"... I say you''re normal.

Cartoons are for kiddies. Grow up. I did. I don''t watch cartoons. I don''t find cartoons entertaining, or humorous as I once did. I''d rather watch Scooby Doo the movie than the original Scooby Doo on Cartoon Network... ahhh can''t take it!!!!

When will Wavinator notice that there''s a lot of flaming, wacky, and nonsensical comments being posted? I''m sure most of this thread goes against the FAQ.

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