in reality it dont matter which is faster. marketing hype clouds the issue. i mean everyone thinks ps2 is more powerful then dreamcast yet when factor in reality it turns out ps2 is equal or less then dreamcast in graphics abilities (depends on certain factors, ps2 can rip dreamcast apart in the fillrate arena, though in most cases they are similar or dremacast will have crisper graphics due to more vram/hardware compressed texyure support ps2 dont have). i wont go into details since that is far off topic (well i slightly have, oops).
in any case its the actual games that matter and what the coders can do with the hardware they have. the numbers console makers give ou are ussually skewed (except by sega who actually gave lower numbers to ensure they were not busted for over hyping their system like sony did. ps2 does 60 million polygons. ahhahahahah, read the fine print which would mention this is with all features off (texture, lighting, shading, etc), and only a single trinagle (ie ignores bus bandwidth limitations due to low vram) is transformed and filled. ps2 got a great fillrate, but the actual design is a bit crappy. dreamcast and ps2 do approx 3-6 million polys per second in realworld games).
if the game is good, that makes the system good. not some silly number made up by a company trying to make money. i was gonna leave this silly remark alone, but i see someone called the xbox the most powerful. it may be true, though i have yet to see a game that can be compared on both systems. most of gamecubes titles dont have realistic graphics while most xbox titles do. so its difficult to compare. graphics only do so much, but then again i started playing games back on the c64 and nes. so i dont see graphics as a main selling point as most gamers today do.
Cel Shaded anime based game - WHY HASNT ANYONE THOUGHT OF THIS?!
Original post by Teamshibi
Yes I have seen it. The problem is that not only is it going to have less then acceptible gameplay, but you fly a jet more then an anime mech.
Okay I'm seriously offended by this. As a pretty average sized Macross fan this quote has seriously deprived you of some kudos points...
This generic jet you describe is much more. It transforms into a battleoid (mech) and a mix of the two. You switch forms to best suit the suitation not to mention the transforming thing is just cool in it's on right.
Less than acceptible gameplay, pfft! Where did you get that, you work on the testing staff or something? From what I see the game looks like it's gonna be one of my favorite air/space combat games of all time, besides the fact that it is Robotech/Macross (the name is a big plus

EDIT: I'm sorry I only read TeamShibi's inital post and the first reply. He supported himself so it took that out but due to his almost blasphemus responses I'm going to start a move in the anime club to protest his very existance.
Macross has lots of story to it. and the whole thing about mechs should have all the power they need. I don't see where the fun is in having a bunch of rapid firing high damage weapons, supersonic speed, and litterally the power to blow everything to kingdom come a fun game. What your talking about is a game without physics even though you say the game should have them. The Veritech makes for a great machine, while a techical impossibility of today it makes sense. Jet mode you have the most fire power and speed but mech mode you can have more manuverability, easy stopping and pivoting, also better accuary through the use of a moveable gun. the Gerwalk mode or guardian mode gives you mix of the two.
I highly dislike the way you just bash games like thier trash and say you want to promote a new idea when half of it in my opinion sounds like something you put together after smoking a joint and watching anime tapes and a cel-shaded game side by side (sorry for the insult but I couldn't resist). I would suggest a more positive additude at least on these forums if you really want to get into the field of game development.
Thank you for reading, that is all.
(Very high off lack of sleep and boredom right now excuse anything you wish that I post)
Bleu Shift -
[edited by - PSWind on August 24, 2002 4:13:59 AM]
I think all the discussion going on proves why there aren''t too many anime-based games. To put it bluntly, anime fans go from the slighty nuts that buy $30 DVD/tapes with two eposides on them to the hardcore that imports the stuff from Japan complete with soundtracks, action figures, and other memorabilia. This is your target market, and these are people that are going to nitpick your game to death. So not only do you have the diffuculties of trying to translate a movie/TV series into an interesting game, but you also have to be so incredibly detail driven that you''re wasting lots of money to try to satisfy a crowd that''ll boo you off the stage for getting a color wrong somewhere.
Disclaimer: I''m one of the nutty ones that has bought entire seasons of anime on tape, so I''m somewhere in the middle : )
Disclaimer: I''m one of the nutty ones that has bought entire seasons of anime on tape, so I''m somewhere in the middle : )
I think the you can make an Anime game inspired by macroos/gundam/robotech/Pat Labor/whatever.
As long as you remember why you loved those series, and how to translate this in an actual game.
ONI, though not in cell shading, was an acceptable attempt to make an Anime type game.
The story was interesting, the gameplay was ok, and the technology was a bit too old.
SHOGO mobile armor division is a good example of a anime inspired game which was rather fun. (not in cell shading either)
However, making a game based on a franchise might be a good reason as to why use cell shading.
I don''t thing cell-shading is a simple other mode of rendering, I think it should give something more than simply see the things differently.
Looney Toons Space Race on the Dreamcast is using cell shading and it suits it perfectly.
The next Zelda on GameCube will use cell-shading and this affects its gameplay.
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
As long as you remember why you loved those series, and how to translate this in an actual game.
ONI, though not in cell shading, was an acceptable attempt to make an Anime type game.
The story was interesting, the gameplay was ok, and the technology was a bit too old.
SHOGO mobile armor division is a good example of a anime inspired game which was rather fun. (not in cell shading either)
However, making a game based on a franchise might be a good reason as to why use cell shading.
I don''t thing cell-shading is a simple other mode of rendering, I think it should give something more than simply see the things differently.
Looney Toons Space Race on the Dreamcast is using cell shading and it suits it perfectly.
The next Zelda on GameCube will use cell-shading and this affects its gameplay.
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-

see the thing is I said an original story, maybe gundam-like... With an original story and features from YOUR brain they cant nitpick your work because its original
August 26, 2002 07:25 PM
Ingenu is right, the idiot claiming shibi is a pot head is just wrong. I see what he is saying and from what I can tell... I cant, I have no idea how the game will come out. What he is describing is something entirely new... Think about Gundam... Now take the story of Gundam and toss in the orbital frame from the PS2 game Zone of the Enders, now throw in some nice looking cel shading, some warped physics (so it can actually look like its anime but at the same time if you pick up a car and drop it its gunna fall straight down) and you will have a great game if ya can get Ingenus'' idea right (remember why you love anime.)
If I have to be called an idiot, at least call me intellectually inferior or something sensible. I said his idea was half-assed and that he shouldn't go around insulting popular genre's without stating solid facts as to why they are wrong, what's wrong about that?
Thanks for not understanding what I had to say and completly twisting my words. I'm sorry for being an "idiot" by wanting less bias comments toward one of my well respected animes.
EDIT: Fixed a statement based on misread information.
Bleu Shift -
[edited by - PSWind on August 27, 2002 4:53:20 PM]
Thanks for not understanding what I had to say and completly twisting my words. I'm sorry for being an "idiot" by wanting less bias comments toward one of my well respected animes.
EDIT: Fixed a statement based on misread information.
Bleu Shift -
[edited by - PSWind on August 27, 2002 4:53:20 PM]
Twisting your words? How did I or the anon twist your words?! Based on everything I have seen on the game I can tell you it wont have the story I crave in a mech battle game. Sorry if your some Macross fan or something but all I have seen (and i have watched it and am still watching it hoping for the best) is a jet sim WITH mechs... A storyless jet sim. I am talking an anime-style robotic STORY, one with the bad guy you cant help but hate even when he helps you because he wants to kill you himself. The kind with a story that makes you sit there for a half hour after you beat it, contemplating the story line, then playing again to experience it all again.
The kind of story that really gets you hating your enemies and missing your fallen comrades, a story where you wonder if it was a book before a game.
That my friends is what I crave in an anime based mech battle game, and cel shading was the final step in making a full on anime style game. Now that we have the technology we need a writer and a team to make it and then we will have what I consider a good game.
Don''t BS about warping your words because someone sides with me. Also idiot is just as good a word as any, trying to act like your smarter then you are just shows how stupid you are (by you I mean the person doing it, not you as in who is reading this)
The kind of story that really gets you hating your enemies and missing your fallen comrades, a story where you wonder if it was a book before a game.
That my friends is what I crave in an anime based mech battle game, and cel shading was the final step in making a full on anime style game. Now that we have the technology we need a writer and a team to make it and then we will have what I consider a good game.
Don''t BS about warping your words because someone sides with me. Also idiot is just as good a word as any, trying to act like your smarter then you are just shows how stupid you are (by you I mean the person doing it, not you as in who is reading this)
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