Hello fellow Space Cadets,
Here’s an update on what’s new since last month.
Loot Artwork
The loot pickup system is in place and I wanted to have some artwork for the drops. These are still a work in progress.

Loot you pick up can be used to upgrade your Badges. Badges give you passive bonuses like having more damage output or making your shield last longer. You can combine certain loot to upgrade your badges to be more effective. Last month we had an early look at the Loot Menu.
Game Events
Because some things can be done out of order or entirely skipped, I have added a Game Events system that checks the state of game progression before loading up a cutscene or even which elements of an area should be spawned.

The Mission hasn’t been completed
Improvements to Dodge Roll
Made some changes to how the dodge roll in tunnels works. It now triggers more consistently and feels a lot better. I’m hoping to add some really fun stuff with this mechanic, stay tuned!

Optimization? Exciting!
Enemies are now loaded via a trigger system, now they won’t be way off somewhere wasting CPU cycles for nothing, it’s also easier to control how the player’s initial interaction will be, making sure they are facing the right way for example.
Also, particle effects will be disabled when out of view, this makes a pretty big difference in performance as particles can be pretty taxing, especially when there’s a lot of them.

I’m getting the game ready for my first game expo in November, so there’s been a larger focus of bug fixing and some polish. I’m pretty excited, hoping to get a ton of feedback from players.
Come check out the Raygun Gadabout Discord. Chat about this game, other games. Or whatever, or just come say hello!

Come on down!
That’s all for this episode, stay tuned next month.