Greetings Space Cadets,
A new trailer for Raygun Gadabout was launched this month. With this trailer I really wanted to give a better sense of what the game was about. Let’s take a look!
The trailer shows more of the space exploration part of the game.
Including some space combat! One thing I neglected to add in the trailer is your ship’s shielding mechanic, it works similar to your personal shield (reflecting enemy projectiles). This is still a bit early stages and needs further testing.

Abilities Menu (Work In Progress)
Revamped the abilities menu a bit. Moved some of the windows around and added a new abilities unlock view that shows which powers you’ve unlocked. You can also select the abilities to get a preview of what they do.

Loot can be used to upgrade your Badge power. Each badge will have different levels that it can be upgraded to, this increases their effectiveness.
Loot can be found in chests and is also dropped by enemies. Blasting asteroids and space junk also drops loot.

This Inventory Menu allows you to view what you currently have. Not sure if there’ll be any other uses for it.
Anything Else?
The usual under the hood/bug fix stuff as I move towards another Private Alpha test. Trying to get things ready for Raygun Gadabout’s first expo!

I’m pretty excited to have the game available for a wider audience and get some important feedback. If you happen to be in the Montreal area and at the events come say hello!
That’s all Folks
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the Discord for more updates and just to have a friendly chat. Until next time.