Dev Diary #141 - Bi-Weekly Summary 37: Story Update & Holiday Greetings

posted in ProjectTaival
Published December 15, 2020

Hello and welcome to this weeks Bi-Weekly Dev Diary the short version - a Day Late edition!

Simple reason for the delay is - I totally forgot. Apologies for being late.

Last weeks have went by along the following topics;

  • Lore research and balancing facts with fiction.
  • Story/mythology building.
  • Thinking about hypothetical realities that could have happened during the pre-history of the Northern Europe.

Due to personal engagements I will be holding another vacation until the first Monday of the year 2021. I wish you all the very best holidays you can possibly have and the best of luck and fortitude for the year 2021!

You can check out every possible mid week announcements about the project on these official channels;

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