Dev Diary #048 - Serious Side-Business

posted in ProjectTaival
Published December 02, 2019

Hello again and welcome to this weeks Dev Diary!

Since I haven't found a suitable solution for the last weeks problem, today I will be talking about possible ways to earning some income without looking for a 8 hours day (or more) job.

Use Your Creativity

As there are plenty of guides on how to earn some side-income even if you have a permanent job, this won't be anything earth shattering. Still, I will point you to this article;

101 Best Side Business Ideas to Start in 2020

Instead of 101, there are actually 134 ideas for anyone to find their favorite pick.

The idea is simple though - pick a side-business that you are proficient at, or that you can handle the basics of, at the very least. The above list contains several ideas for coders and artists alike, but I would like to add another one for 3D artists - make 3D printable accessories for any purpose you can think of, or figurines from your character ideas, or why not miniature 3D landscapes? If you come up with good products, you can definitively make the ends meet with that.

What ever you decide to try, make sure you enjoy doing it, as side-business should not be too taxing, for you to have most of your energy reserved to your main project.

Another idea, that I have already put out almost a year ago, is to create a Co-operative company, even an international one, that can work as an umbrella business for you and all that want to participate in it. It doesn't have to mean, that you all need to be interested in the same things, or that you run towards the same goal (as in develop the games together), as Co-ops can work just as well with multiple persons doing their own thing, when the co-op functions as a "Concern" for multiple freelancers. This provides freelancers with some legal perks, depending on the country you live in, so you need to check those out for your self. It also opens you up for possible business funding opportunities, that your country or region might have.


There are various ways to capitalize on your ideas, most of which are only going to cost you your time, when making something virtual. Entering the domain of physical goods has become much easier thanks to 3D printers though, so that is always an option for those, who enjoy modeling over all else.

This is it for today and I thank you for tuning in. See you on the next one!

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