Doom Challenge - Update

Published October 03, 2019

Just a little update on my progress for this challenge.

Instead of making pixel art for the items and the enemies, I have used Blender to model them in 3D and rendered them in images. All that remains now is the necromancer character, which I have done but not totally satisfied with it. Especially the animation which I had problems with, due to difficulties with the rigging. This was my first time with Blender modeling a character so the result was not convincing. But I have to say that they have greatly improved the UI in Blender 2.8, it feels more like 3DS MAX.

You have the option to use a flashlight in the levels. This was inspired a little by Doom III. But since you can see all the 2D characters, the challenge is found in searching your way in the map and not really to uncover enemies. The map is about 75% done but subject to change. 

Your main weapon is a wand called the Nebula Wand with which you can shoot mini suns with it. You will be able to pickup crystals to change the projectile type of the wand.

The music is a remix I have done of Internal Mechanics by LPChip, added some electric guitar in one of the channels.


Previous Entry Total Doom
4 likes 1 comments



Nice work! :) 

October 03, 2019 04:12 PM
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