Rail Route - Demo R0.1 Released!

posted in Rail Route for project Rail Route
Published April 17, 2018

I am happy to announce that we release first demo of Rail Route! We have polished our first prototype of train routing and added a simple tutorial. To make it more a game than a prototype we have included short level where you can try your dispatcher skills.

You can download it at our blog: https://railroute.bitrich.info/2018/04/17/demo-r0-1-released/

Or you if don't want download .exe from the internet we prepared Unity WebGL build: https://bitrich-info.github.io/railroute/r01/

Levels in Future

Our vision is that the final game will contain a handful of such levels, some longer, some short (puzzle game / unlock scenario). You will be able to compare your performance with the others (global Top 10 list). We are thinking of tools that enable you to create & share own levels, so you will be able to model your home city railways if you want.

These levels will be only one game mode, but the primary game play will be something completely else. Something like career mode where you take care of rail network that you will need to built, upgrade, manage and so on. We will write about it soon!


We would like to hear any feedback from the prototype. So feel free to reach us anywhere :-). What's the best score you can reach?


3 likes 1 comments



I gave the Unity version a whirl.  Pretty neat concept.  I'm interested in the career mode you've mentioned.  Sounds fun!

April 18, 2018 11:58 PM
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