Soul of Mask

posted in Perrin Alain
Published November 06, 2017


My name is Alain Perrin,I come here to present my project (actually almost finished) of game.

Soul Of Mask already announced on steam. It is, unfortunately, a one-man job. 3 years of pleasure and nightmares.  But it is still a joy to work on it. I was supposed to start talking about this game at least one year ago it is probably a big mistake a made. Anyways better late than never.

It is a game about a mask supposed to collect one object and avoid enemies on the map with Pacman view. The main character has to take a mask to be able to collect those object. Those masks have some powers like burning enemies, feezing... by using a power of a mask it is lost.  The game is supposed to be released on steam at the end of this month (nov 25th 2017).

The game is writen C/SDL, graphics assets are made with gimp and audio lmms/audacity.

current status of a game is debug/testing.

More info are coming soon.

for the moment you can have a look at indiedb and steam


Video of the game  gameplay:




1 likes 3 comments



Sounds interesting and the looks are really charming / consistent.
Keep up the good work and brace yourself for the release ;) .

November 06, 2017 05:35 AM

Didn't expect a so quick comment. thanks. I am not good in communication, I'll try to post as much information as i can.

I don't want to flood either, feel free to tell me when it is too much. Thanks for your comment.

November 06, 2017 05:40 AM

No biggie, just been around gamedev this morning, checked it and I wrote down my first impression (the pictures look good) ;) .

November 06, 2017 08:42 AM
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