Kseh Woa Iv - Post 4

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 11, 2016

I'm slowly making progress but I think I'm starting to feel the weight of the work involved here. This project is on my mind quite a bit and it's starting to feel like a really long car trip. You can't quite take your attention off of trying to move forward and when a bit of a break comes you welcome it and don't really want to get back on the trail again except you know you have to make it to your destination on time.

I'm about to try and get some work done before bed. Earlier I was able to finally get some sprites on the screen. Basically, it looks like my mock up from yesterday but I don't have any skeletons functioning yet so the mock-up still looks nicer than the actual thing. It's good to be able to scroll through the world though and see the trees. I need to fix some kind of bug with the player character's movement tonight. For some reason when you set the destination waypoint the PC starts moving and teleports to, I think the top left part of the map. I can scroll the map to find and follow the PC who looks like is kind of trying make it to where the destination was supposed to be but then teleports again after walking for awhile and doesn't always end up in the same area.

If I can get that sorted out there also appears to be a matter with the collision boxes to look into which hopefully will make the trees solid.

From there, I would like to try and arm the PC with a shadow orb to throw so that I at least have something that I can call a shadow mechanic. But I'm not sure I'll get to that tonight.

Previous Entry Kseh Woa Iv - Post 3
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I'm sorry to read of the troubles that you're encountering. :/ I hope that you manage to fix your bugs in short order!

For some reason when you set the destination waypoint the PC starts moving and teleports to, I think the top left part of the map

Hmm... This is just a guess, but could you perhaps be dividing by zero somewhere? I seem to vaguely recall encountering similar issues arising from such mistakes.

August 11, 2016 01:11 PM
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