Kseh Woa Iv - Post 5

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 12, 2016

I'm pretty tired and so I'm planning taking this evening off from coding and getting some sleep. Except I thought that I should post something so I thought, well I did some art stuff earlier today maybe I can throw a gif together quick. And now I'm a bit in the mood to try to get more art work done. Maybe just do one animation for when the player walks onto a shadow and is consumed by it himself. It should be similar to this skeleton death but the shadow should pull the player from below rather than spread from the middle.


(edit) Ok now, 30 minutes earlier is still "more" sleep and I still haven't done any coding but I'm happy with the human death by shadow and thought I'd add it in. (/edit)

I'm not sure if I like the shadow orb that I have at the moment. In the game, I want to rotate it, add some kind of alpha blending effect, and have it grow up to this size as a "charging" sort of mechanic before the player throws it.


I also still need something for when a skeleton attacks the player. I'm not sure what that's going to look like. Maybe just some blood squirting out or something. Which then implies I need a status bar of some kind which shouldn't be difficult but I hadn't though about.

As for code work, I found the teleporting issue last night was the result of some code from another project I accidentally mixed in. I removed that and was able to control the player properly. I can walk around the "island" now and the screen scrolls around with the player. The island need some more details and for the trees to get out of the water but my focus for the next bit will be on being able to throw an orb of some kind at a skeleton and destroying it. Then comes the hazards to the player. I'm hoping I can sort all that out with a marathon session tomorrow night.


Previous Entry Kseh Woa Iv - Post 4
3 likes 2 comments



I actually like the color choices. You know something's wrong when the ground is purple. That tells it right there!

August 13, 2016 01:55 AM

lol, I would agree purple ground signals either your not in Kansas anymore or something seriously wrong has happened.

August 21, 2016 11:01 PM
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