Dungeon Crawler Challenge - Update 4

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published February 04, 2019

Been feeling a bit burnt out on this project lately. Haven't spent nearly as much time as I had hoped over the weekend and basic life stuff has been kept me away from opportunities to work on it before that. It currently feels as though there's maybe 1 or 2 days left next weekend for some solid development time and it doesn't feel like enough. Still planning to keep at it though and hope that the smaller bits of time I can find will help. So no screenshots or videos at the moment.

What I do have at this point is a way for the PC to wield 3 "different" weapons which I will be setting as having different power. The animation for this is simple but I'm fairly happy with it. What I really need at this point is some enemies to fight and treasure to find. So of course what I'll be working on this week is a "store" and hopefully figure out a way for the adventurer to earn money that doesn't take a lot more development time.

One thing I've wanted early on was to have a starting upper level that'd have the store and a conversation would set the stage for your main mission. Yesterday I got that level put together and today I was able to get a conversation dialog going. The main level is currently a completely unfurnished "Lounge" whose only occupant is KHawk from whom you get a bit of a description of where you are and can select an option to ask for a job or to buy stuff. The job of course is to go into the depths of the basement to retrieve his Ban Hammer so that he'll be prepared for expected influx of new unruly patrons. Was hoping to have a few people sitting around maybe doing something that looks like a flame war, but probably no time for that. Might be able to get some tables and chairs in though to make it look like a lounge of sorts.

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Do the best you can! :) I've been sick on and off for the last 3 weeks, and I don't even know where I'll stand on my project either. :D

I really do hope you'll finish it, you've shown some good progress. :) 

February 04, 2019 09:24 PM
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