I've added in very basic combat: You can press the A key while standing next to and facing a character, and that character will die (including PCs). Because there is no respawning though, you might run out of targets quickly; if this happens, please let me know and I'll reboot the server.
Because of limitations with the previous UI (Windows controls are difficult to use for a game after a certain point), I've converted the in-game UI to use a custom OpenGL-based UI system. It doesn't have all of the features that the previous UI had, but it works better for the moment.
We have an online chatroom where you can usually find myself and other developers, as well as other players: http://irc.ifthensoftware.net
We also have a Facebook page over at http://www.facebook.com/ifthensoftware
I have a Twitter account for development updates, which you can view here: http://twitter.com/ITS_Invisible
We also have an IndieDB page for Areum:

And finally, we have a devlog on TIGSource as well: http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=31227.0
Tired it out but didn't encounter any enemies. I guess they are all killed off =)