Development on Stick Adventures Online will be starting very soon. Check the game's website to see our progress till then.
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I've spent the last 4-5 months studying physics. I'll need that knowledge for Merki, the SAO updates, and probably every other project we work on.
For anyone interested, these are some good resources for learning physics: - Introduction to calculus - Calculus, differential equations - Beginner level physics - College level physics. There are some typos though, so watch out for that. - Rigid body dynamics, specific to game programming. - Solid groundwork for making a physics simulation. - Particle systems and rigid body dynamics, specific to game programming.
So far, I have a working particle system and unconstrained rigid bodies. If you are interested in seeing the physics system in its current state, you can get it here.
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
iScribble Sketches #27
(Click to enlarge)
Community Spotlight
Written by jaythemage
In August, after Corvus stated that mods were dead because of the strict rules of using copyrighted material, Ace created and released a "Mod Scene Defibrillator" called SAO_DAT_EDIT. This program allows users to edit the DAT files of SAO to change image proportions which enables modders to edit the sizes of the sprites and have an even broader variety of ideas for mods. However, the program has not been used to create any mods by this time despite the major potential of the program.
The wait has been long, but fans of Stick Adventures Online are finally getting another major update. There have been several predictions of what exactly will be included in the update; however, the most common are that there will be at least one new map and that there will be several new enemies. Though there will be a price to pay for the update, many fans are willing to pay to play SAO's big update, even though they do not yet know how much it will cost.
Funny Quote of the Week
From the SAO moderator's channel
Background information: An SAO player had just been banned for swearing. pifreak (an SAO moderator) then said this in the moderating channel, regarding the recent ban.
pifreak: *tutorial* How not to respond to the queston: "Why did you avoid the filter?"
pifreak: "i dont know i'm kinda bored lol"