Newsletter #54 - We Are Back

posted in IfThen Software
Published December 03, 2009


IfThen Software's servers are back online, after last week's long downtime due to maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience that the downtime caused.

From the Programmer
Written by Invisible

I spent most of last week reinstalling our dedicated server, so I don't have much to say on the topic of programming.

I am currently working on getting the font and text systems finished. So far, the font system works well enough for raster fonts, and the text system supports basic text storage and style changes. Getting rich text to work will be fun, and will involve creating some sort formatting system, possibly similar to HTML. I'll give further details when I get to that point.

Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight

iScribble Sketches #12

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Community Spotlight

Sorry, there isn't a community spotlight article this week.
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