From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I have decided to use a diagramming program called "Dia" to make the dependency graph and various flowcharts. The program is easy to use, and works well for what I need.
The GUI system's design is nearly finished. The only thing left to figure out is how "modal" elements will work. I have considered using threads to allow for "true" modal elements, but that would probably be overkill. I will most likely stick with modal elements "locking" and darkening the GUI elements behind them, but nothing more.
Community Spotlight
Written by Jay and Invisible
Congratulations to Dead9000 for being the second player to have two separate accounts on the SAO top 10 leader board! Also, Materger1, a player mentioned in issue #39, has reached the top 10 even though he is a newer player. Materger1 is already a respected player in the SAO community.