Due to certain set-backs, overall progress has gone down to 69%. We should get back up there in no time though!
From the Programmer
Written by Invisible
I am currently working on understanding the collision detection functions, to the point that I am able to re-write them. After I am done with that, I plan to create a program to test out the collision detection. If everything goes well, I'll release the program in a future newsletter issue!
Artist's Easel
Written by GreyKnight
Drawing over the print-out is working so far.
Character Creation Background
Part #4
(Click to enlarge)

Drawn with:
A sheet of 11"x14" Bristol paper
4B and HB mechanical pencils
Community Spotlight
Written by pifreak
This week was a bit quiet, but I'll write about some things I noticed.
For SAO, I would like to say Eeevil is doing a good job keeping the Bandits clan going even with CraterZ gone. Another thing I saw in the SAO forum was an upcoming mod by 009x3, titled 'Njm3.0' (Ninja Mod 3.0). It will be pretty cool judging that the last 2 were of decent quality and creativity.
Also, I see Bonkey is back. If you knew him from Loradon, you might want to say hi and give a nice welcome back.
As for the Loradon 3.0 progress... It went down again. I guess time had to be added or something, but this just means the game will be that much better, right? :D