What's in a name?

Published July 30, 2008
I've been playing around with fonts and logos again for "Trazoi Entertainment" as a distraction from real work, but I'm starting to have second thoughts about the strength of "Trazoi" as a business name.

Trazoi has got a fair bit going for it: it's is short, pronounceable, unique enough to be a potentially strong trademark, and importantly I own the web domain (which is damn difficult these days).

However the downside is that it doesn't have a meaning. I picked "Trazoi" because it's a contraction of "Trapper Zoid": trapperzoid.com seemed ugly to me. The only meaning it has is association with myself. And possibly it means something in Albanian, but that's not really that important on the 'net.

I'm not sure if it's the sort of name that people will remember. I've tested it with a few friends and family and the impression I've got it is that it's "okay"; a bit of a lukewarm reaction, and I'm not sure how much they're humouring me. My brother reminded me of all the other names I planned to use back when I was starting out like "Dragonfly Games" or "Dragonfish Games", which I'm taking as a sign that maybe Trazoi just doesn't have any strength. (By thr way, all those names have been taken in some variant by actual game companies.)

It also seems that most game companies go for the "Adjective Noun Games" pattern. Obviously there's some variation: sometimes they get by without an adjective if they find an extra wacky noun; sometimes they compound the adjective with the noun to make a new word; and often they'll use a replacement for "Games" like "Studios" or "Interactive".

I don't really see Trazoi fitting in with that, so I'm not sure how well it sells as a game company name. It sounds a bit like a brand of pharmaceutical really: "Ask your doctor about TrazoiTM today!"

The only game company I can think of off the top of my head with a made-up name is the now defunct Broderbund Software. However Broderbund at least sounds like it should mean something (Wikipedia says it suggests "band of brothers" in a mash-up of Scandinavian and Germanic languages, which I agree with). And they had that foreign looking O with a slash that makes it damn hard to input in HTML.

Maybe I'm worrying a bit too much on this as I'm tired and have a lot on my mind. But if I stumble across a rare dot-com web domain or two that might be suitable for a game company that hasn't been claimed yet I might park it and then start seeing which name gets the biggest reaction with people.
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I was just pondering this and reckon I prefer Trapzoid to Trazoi. trapzoid.net, trapzoid.com and trapzoid.co.uk all look unclaimed as well.

Just seems a bit more memorable and pronouncable. Just a thought though.
July 30, 2008 12:52 PM
I don't mind either of them.

TrapperZoid might be slightly more memorable as it's a word-pun on trapezoid.

However, Trazoi is sorter and catchier.

Wow! I'm a lot of help! [grin]

But when you think about it, names like "Blizzard" are pretty unimaginative and plain. People respect the games. The name just gets associated with it. Then again, for a fresh up-starter, a catchy name might make some difference. I dunno.
July 30, 2008 07:06 PM
Trapper Zoid
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not sure anything based on Trapper Zoid will be better than Trazoi. I guess it'd be slightly better for the Gamedev.net market, but I'm pretty sure you guys would head over to my site regardless of the name, 'cuz you're cool like that .

I've managed to get an equally short domain "zapgem.com" which can act as my alternative choice. I think it's punchier.
July 30, 2008 08:12 PM
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