New Books

Published July 02, 2008
I had a last semi-unexpected batch of marking to do for the Computer Vision subject I was tutoring for this semester, and ended up spending a fair chunk of the cash on books. Since I'm spending the bulk of this month either writing my thesis or procrastinating from writing my thesis, buying books related to game development seems a reasonable substitute to actual achievement.

I've dedicated this year to learning Flash with Actionscript 3.0, and Python with C. I've already got a number of ActionScript 3.0 books I haven't fully utilised yet, but I've had a lack of Python and C books. It's understandable for Python, but strange for C given it's one of the languages I know the best. Apart from a beginner C book which was okay when teaching myself but now isn't that great (C by Example by Perry), the only C book I used to have was Sedgewick's Algorithms in C Parts 1-4, which was a freebie I got after tutoring algorithm classes for several years. So I've made up for that with this batch of books.

New for Python is the O'Reilly book Python in a Nutshell by Martelli and the Python Cookbook which is still yet to arrive from Amazon. I've only skimmed over this book, but it looks like both a good learning and reference source.

For C, I've got the seminal Kernighan and Ritchie's The C Programming Language which I really should have got several years ago, and C: A Reference Manual by Harbison and Steele, the latter I'm planning to use as a main reference as it covers C99, something I'm not that clued up on.

Other interesting books I got was the classic writing book The Elements of style by Strunk and White, which is actually useful right now to help clean up my writing. And I also got a textbook Planetary Sciences by de Pater and Lissauer for no real reason other than I loved reading about the planets when young and now I've got a science education I learn it from a much deeper level. Plus it can't hurt if I ever make that epic space game I've been meaning to make.
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Hey! You've been holding out on us -- posting here but not on [sad]
July 03, 2008 10:08 PM
Trapper Zoid
I was going to duplicate this one over at, but I decided to wait until after I'd read some of the books.

I'm currently confused over what way to take my own blog. It's now getting very general. Most of my hits to are actually after Inkscape tips. It's really weird given my computer science background that my biggest on-line reputation is for art tutorials.

July 04, 2008 12:43 AM
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