Addenum to What's in a Name?

Published July 30, 2008
I spent a bit of time searching through potential names. It's hard to find anything that hasn't been taken. Plus you get the impression that at least nine tenths of the internet are "under construction" pages or owned by domain parkers.

But I've managed to snag a good alternative web domain: It's currently redirected to my blog at, but I'll think of something to do with it. I think Zap Gem has a bit more punch as a name and has a more game-y quality. Plus even if I don't use it as a company name it'd make an awesome casual game title.
Previous Entry What's in a name?
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Go the google/bebo/zimbra/kodak route. Choose a good-sounding nonsense word.

Blurkplaqxz is currently open.
August 01, 2008 08:51 PM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by johnhattan
Go the google/bebo/zimbra/kodak route. Choose a good-sounding nonsense word.

Is that the reasoning behind I suppose it would be nonsense enough if you pronounce it "Theco Dez One". [grin].
August 02, 2008 01:39 AM
Do what I did and choose a concept that is both terrifying and intriguing. That's how I got my site name:

P.S. What am I doing here I left gamedev years ago D:
August 04, 2008 01:31 AM
Trapper Zoid
I... am not going to check out that site. 'Tis too risky... [grin]

And you can never escape.
August 05, 2008 01:03 AM
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