Been writing C++ for a decade, I think it's time to make some changes. So I kicked off my Rust learning recently.
I made my version of the hello world triangle, and safe to say I can work with the Rust now!
Next I'll detail how it's done and hopefully this helps the people who just want to start D3D…
Quite a change since the last time! Added refraction material and efficient ray-traced reflection.
The RT reflection itself costs around 1.0ms @1440p with 4070Ti. Total rendering time is around 2.0ms now. Without a use of modern upscalers.
Both rendering take care of the blurry with low smoothne…
Following up the previous post.
I added HDR image import, BC6H compression and cubemap tool this time. Also integrated the ImGui as current GUI solution.
To be honest, there are more refactoring and bugfixes in this sprint and only a few runtime features. But I think it's also important to review t…
Follow up to the previous one. For my Vulkan mini-engine.
This time, I added the spot light component which benefits from light culling as well. The HDR support (HDR10 standard).
Compliation-free parameter node, that is, if the graph doesn't change at all. When modifying a parameter node, I don't ne…
Follow up post to the preivous update. I added the point light and texture compression in my Vulkan miniengine this time 🙂
Two small testing of the features as shown in the video. The point light implementation includes lighting, culling and ray traced shadow.
The texture compression now includes B…
Follow up post to the Build a material graph system from scratch.
This time I've added the translucent pass, misc optimizations and some refactorings in my mini Vulkan engine.
The translucent objects also interact with ray tracing shadow, TAA well. The performance is also much better than my previou…
A follow up post after I added material graph system in my mini engine.
To be more specific, it should be “bringing material data to a hit group shader and differentiate them”.
The result is almost the same as the previous demo. But it can differeniate the material in the ray tracing shadow now.
§Ov…Follow up the previous post. This time I tried to create a material graph editor in my mini Vulkan engine. (Almost no “Vulkan” point in this post though)
I used to just expose a few “fixed” parameters like diffuse color, bump scale, opacity...etc in an editor. That would be much easier but I want to…
This is the following up post with my previous post 2 months Journey of Vulkan Learning.
After the first version, I applied a few optimizations to UHE. Drawing with 13435 batches cost only ~3ms now! With the parallel submission.
The batches are even not merged at all. I've not implemented static batc…