Even though I haven't entered a game into the Week of Awesome III, I still followed along, played all the submitted games, and wrote up some reviews. I've met a lot of cool people and great developers. My review thread got lots of good feedback and I'll probably be getting a few new friends out of …

It's official. I'm officially done unofficially judging every entry for the Week of Awesome III. There were a lot of really solid entries this year and I'm pretty sure I would not have won, but that won't stop me from putting in the time to make my idea "Better Living Through Necromancy" when I get…

Damn cat woke me up at 5 am horking on the laminate floors I spent this week installing. I didn't want his digestive juices to ruin a board in the middle of my living room so I got up extra early. Now would be about the time I could have started the Game Jam, and less than 2 days would not be enoug…

So too much is going on for me to compete this year. I'm laying laminate floors, I'm repairing my car, the kiddo just started 3rd grade, and a few other minor issues are mounting to be the perfect storm of anti-participation this week. I'd still like to participate though and it looks like there's …
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