WoA III - Another Distraction for Participants
Published August 21, 2015
Even though I haven't entered a game into the Week of Awesome III, I still followed along, played all the submitted games, and wrote up some reviews. I've met a lot of cool people and great developers. My review thread got lots of good feedback and I'll probably be getting a few new friends out of the deal, but I feel like the relationship is a bit lop-sided. I got to see a week's worth of blood, sweat, and tears while you were only able to see me have fun and talk about your games. While you anxiously wait for the official results, why don't you check out my entry from last year that I'm pretty proud of.
Last year's theme was:
The Toys are alive! If you get a chance to play it, let me know what you think.

Download LinkIt uses XNA and has some prerequisites that might need installing. Booo! Everything should be included in the text files.
Text files:Three text files are included in the zip.
- INSTALLATION_GUIDE.TXT - tells you how to install the prerequisites for XNA.
- Instructions.txt - Explains how to play the game.
- Credits.txt - Says who did what and where I got all my sounds/fonts.
Here's a video of most of the game play and some extra features that didn't make the official deadline:
Not a farm game? Dont want! :)