Latest VisualStudio Activity

Continued from the previous video, this explores the more advanced features of c++ code variables exposed to blueprint/editor. This covers some meta specifiers, categories, etc. And how to use the engines source code to quickly find examples on more advanced features.
0:00 Meta Keyword
0:14 Display N…

A small walk inside my procedurally generated terrain. Rendered in OpenGL.
The terrain was created using multiple layers of perlin noise and applying hydraulic erosion on it.
Grass and flowers are rendered using billboards and instancing.

How to make a new C++ actor and use it in blueprint!
Some Dos-and-Don'ts of creating Unreal C++ classes that can be used in the editor and blueprint.
Basic Unreal Header Tool Introduction and how to properly mark up your classes to be used with the Engine.
Unfortunately this video was recorded …

How to set up some commonly used AAA tools for C++ programmers who make games in Unreal!
(Scroll down for video)
Once you get into the industry, you will find that there are some common work flows and tools used among AAA developers at various studios. I go over some of these tools and how to set the…
Fixed Link in fist post.
New Release:
VERSION 1.1 @8.11.2022
- Autodetect of all GLSL shader stages
- Support for HLSL added for files with *.<stage>.hlsl file extension on Vulkan 140. Requires a few manual settings since it only partially compares the extension. Did not figure out how …
You shouldn't have to set an FPS limit from an end-user or anything like that. I suggested Sleep(1) to see what it does temporarily, because that should drastically stall everything related to your program and the GPU not receiving work to do. There usually isn't any reason to render faster than 12…
@undefined Further reading has taught me that I copy the .h files into my project directory in most cases.
Thanks so much for the assistance!
Thank you very much. It now works like a charm !
Hi, I have an old game source from 2004, the game runs DirectX9, and I want to improve the graphics.
I downloaded NVIDIA FX Composer 2.5, and I created a “Phong_bump_relect.fx”.
I want to add the effect to my terrain, is there any way ?
I tried like this, on the terrain render function:
if (D3DXCreate…

We will see how to place OpenTK.GLControl on WPF window to make GUI application with 2D/3D graphics using modern OpenGL 3.
How to create the project from scratch
Note 1: RMB - Right Mouse Button click
Note 2: Good Color calculator for normalized values:…

The Visual Studio Tools for Unity team has open sourced the Unity Analyzers, a collection of Unity specific code diagnostics and code fixes.
The Unity Analyzers are shipped as part of the Tools for Unity and are enabled on Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac. The analyzers run inside Visua…

This article discusses how to debug native Android applications using Microsoft Visual Studio Code, which can be useful for game developers implementing background services, prototyping, or other native processes on the Android platform.
Of course, Android Studio and Visual Studio 2017/2015 also …