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Since brake torque should always be something like -k_brake*angularVelocity * brakeInput, with k_brake a constant > 0, 0< brakeInput < 1, brake torque will always be the opposite sign ov angular velocity, you don’t need those abs() and sign(), getting rid of them will make your code easier…

@SFSpoto I wrote this link in my first post, hope it's useful:

In this article, 3D Environment Artist Aditya Rajani goes in-depth in how he created a Ferrari Formula 1 car in 3D using Maya and Quixel. He shared insights on how to avoid some common mistakes while modeling and texturing and achieve realistic results.
BackgroundAditya Rajani is a widely reno…
On 8/12/2019 at 12:55 PM, bmarci said:t_locking0 = (t_preload + abs(bias_ratio - curr_ratio) * (t0 - t1)) * 0.5
So it will behave like a spring until feedback torque from both side equal each other?
torqueOut = torqueEngine +- t_locking0?
What is the starting point for the diff to "start lo…
10 hours ago, miqvp22 said:How do you know each particle orientation? How it should be the integration step to do so?
I did this like with usual rigid bodies, so each body stores orientation together with position. Angular velocity (or angular verlet displacement) needs to be integrated, and …
On 6/29/2019 at 4:43 AM, Acosix said:So basically you're making a track racing championship car game with tuning(Like Automotodróm Slovakia Ring in FIA GT championship)?
Thanks for joining the discussion.
I'm making a track and off-road driving game with tuning, not just racing.
Actually, I…

The idea is that this "bochos" (more car pardoys in the future) come and hit you, you can loose passengers so you earn less money. From time to time, the bus arrives to the bus stop to refill with passengers. Basically thats it.
I think it looks cute on that screenshot.
The game is designed f…

A global update for the "Character Interaction" package has been released.
For more information click here.

This whitepaper was originally posted on the Unreal Engine Blog bySebastien Miglio at The original whitepaper by Min Jie Wu and edited by Robb Surridge is available for download at here. Republished with permission.

Destroy endless poured zombies and survive!
Road kill Action game that kills zombies in your favorite car.

Hey Captain`s
Time for another update, we have been a bit busy in all ends this few weeks, with planning of how the character customization will work and look, as well as blocking out and starting to shape out Nantucket Island.
Progress has also been very good regarding "The Pearl" and …