Latest strategypattern Activity

Last time I wrote about how I implemented the strategy pattern into my state machine to allow for customized behavior that was easy to change and maintain.
(You can ready more about that by clicking here if you want).
Well, since then I have added more and more desired behavior into my Game Design Do…
I am making a Game Design Document, I promise!
But I wonder if my eagerness to start writing some code is a contributing factor to making the code more dynamic and reusable.
I'm no expert, but I feel it is.
You see, I already knew I wanted to have a State Machine, and I am mak…

@TrevorKitt Hi Trevor, thank you for the kind words!
Wow you made it really far at 81km!
Some tips: The Lightning Strike with Valuable can make single red bricks be worth up to 11points. It is very game breaking and may help you complete the game?
inJuly said:
I can imagine the player having an InputComponent that detects keypresses, and the InputSystem takes care of that. But what happens from there ? and where does the code for the `cast_fire_ball` spell live ?
First of all, typically you would have a separate component of some kind that rep…