Latest spatialhash Activity

DevBlog 7 - Stress Testing Projectile Performance In My Spatial Hash Based World Partitioning System
I've set up firing an a lot of projectiles to push performance to its limits.
To assist with this I created various debug tools, such as a projectile tweaker.
Projectiles are configured via a json file and can be serialized to the disk, and referenced by other configs (such as a fighter ship config).

My spatial hash grid has the ability to look up collision shapes within a given spatial hash cell.
But I did not really have the ability to easily query a line of individual cells.
If I wanted to trace a line through the spatial hash, I would need a shape encompassed the entire line.
This was e…

To get better at c++, problem solving, vector math, programming, and rendering -- I embarked on a project to build a game from scratch in c++ and modern OpenGL.
The crux of this engine revolves around the collision system I wrote. Rather than use a library like bullet or PhysX I wanted to learn a b…