Latest sourcecode Activity

The Kenney Jam is now over, The FULL project of our entry including source code and the assets used for the Jam is now available FREE to download at:
Wow, edonkey… Haven't used this in a long time. Well, I guess it is “fine” as there seems no other way. However, the availability of the file is pretty bad? Also it is the version of the older DX9 version of the book. Guess I have to keep the client open and wait for the sharing party to come onlin…

Of Source Code, more pathfinding, stamina and more!
It all started with a simple checklist, which I put together for the next update:
- Fix glitching cursor; and disable input while minigame is active
- Add 3D movement
- Fix wall pathfinding/glitching
- Add dash/roll option to mouse (ctrl+mouse movement)
- Re-impl…