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toaderman said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to start out or recommend any good courses on how to learn Unity and C#?
This depends on your goals.
If your goal is to just make something, then it doesn't really matter much, get whatever you want to dive in to your learning journey. Unity's website…

Last week I mentioned context and how I work better with it. Normally for me its looking over code or a system that's already implemented in some way learning how it works and then creating my own interpretation of it - one such system is the ‘new’ Input System.
My project grew from the Third Perso…
I'm not clear why you expect to hire programmers for such a short time? That is unusual. What is your reason for doing so? It would make more sense to hire the same programmer(s) to do work over a longer period. Since you lack technical knowledge it will be important to hire a lead programmer to wo…

Linear interpolation is everywhere. Games, 3D animation, image creation tools and much more all rely heavily on interpolation, so having a thorough understanding of linear interpolation is extremely important.
This text is somewhat geared towards game developers, however it's general enough to apply…

sangiria said:
but I don't know better
Maybe this is your issue. First learn the programming language, then make your game. Following a tutorital without knowing what and why they're doing is worthless on a learning purpose.
In general, you can always set an objects position if you take it out of a po…
I advise trying some benchmarks as well, even if you can face some extra issues to solve, cause I can't imagine another way out here - it's impossible to apply any of the A/B tests, unfortunately.
Just think over what you are going to test and try it (some piece of it at least). In case …
JoeJ said:
There seems a new trend of hiding spam behind something like ‘anti-logics’ or what. Humanity is fascinating.
Note to myself: To make my next spambot pass all Turing Tests, add artificial dumbness. Yeah, that's it! :D
Their reddit account (it's deleted now) had something looking like genuine…

Hello GameDev
In this blog I'll be covering
- development life-cycle thus far
- provide an update on dynamic structures
- introduce scripted events.
Development life-cycle
I think the time has come at last. What time is that exactly? Well let me explain...
A couple months back I was thumbing…

Resumed work on Vivid-Script. Vivid-Script is a managed, real time scripting language. It is wrote for Vivid3D, and as such will not just be a normal language with a set of functions,
it will instead offer several features that connect closely with the engine. It works on a dynamic engine. i.e, i…