Latest ProceduralTerrain Activity

OpenGL procedural terrain.
Here is a smalll list of some of the techniques I used here:
. tessellation shaders
. trilinear texture mapping
. 2D billboards
. displacement mapping
. wind animation using noise texture
. advanced bloom via downsampling

Finally implemented proper day/night cycle inside my custom OpenGL render.
Now the engine can vary sun position according to hour and day of the year, and also according to the latitude, with a good approximation.

Additional experiments with volumetric clouds, solved some glitches and managed to mix the clouds with the scene, using the depth of the scene to avoid to show clouds occluded by scene objects (like the terrain). For now I just used a simple 3D perlin noise for the clouds, in the future I plan to t…

Hi everyone!
Recently I've been generating a proceduraly generated terrain using OpenSimplex FastNoise. Everything has been going fine until I wanted to add biomes. If I have a mountain biome and then a flatlands biome, the difference is huge and looks like a chunk error. I am wondering how to solve…