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I just prefer to use 4.5 code for my glsl cause i got a book on shaders (shader cookbook( and that coveres it very welll, but I also read the red book. was a neat expeirence… to say the least.
Hello Space Cadets,
Time for another monthly update. A huge part of my time working on Raygun Gadabout this past month has been fixing bugs and polishing things to try and get out another alpha test.
I’m pretty excited at the state of the game at the moment. There’s a proper loop with objectives and …
I'm considering intergrating Steam Input API for my game (in Unity), but the docs seem very confusing and I'm not sure even if it's worth.
The goal is to achieve "Full Controller Support" on Steam for both usability and marketing reasons, and it says that integrating Steam Input API makes it easi…
Please don't necro. Thread locked.
I tried:
DirectInput InputManager = new DirectInput();
Mouse mouse = new Mouse(InputManager);
MouseState mouseState = new MouseState
mouse.getCurrentState(ref mouseState);
Console.WriteLine("X: " + mouseState.X + " Y: " + mouseState.Y)…
Hi all! I'm working on a 2D platformer game and have a character that is able to do most basic moves, but I'm not really happy with my code. I recently found out about Unity's new Input System, so I followed their documentation and got it all set up. And then…. ran into a few questions. Some are fl…