Latest FirstPerson Activity
Looking for a network programmer for :
The game is implemented at 50% :
- random map generation done
- AI : with dynamic pathfinding done
- graphics/artwork WIP
- sounds, physics done
The last step is now to implement the networking of the "de…
Saif_youssef said:
Which is better, to have one person working on 1st and 3rd person animations (with weapons) or to have one person focused on 1st person and another on 3rd person animations.
This is not a Game Design question. It's been moved to the Production and Management forum.
![Fifteenth Entry - March 11, 2020](
This is the fifteenth entry of my development blog for my project 'Tracked Mind'.
This time I'm really happy with the progress since my previous post. The game now has a new inventory system (again, I know). This time it has all the functions that I wanted from the start. Sadly I had to recre…