Latest fire Activity
How to have flexible weapon firerate in multiplayer fps game when using client side prediction
Assuming “rpm” is “rounds per minute,” then you need to take this into account in your simulation loop and asset creation.
For the sound of automatic fire, you should not re-trigger a shot effect for each r…
![DevBlog 22 - Tighten Up The Graphics (Adding HDR, Bloom, Normal Maps, and more) [OpenGL 3.3]](
I've refactored the rendering system in my engine.
The old way of rendering was complete in SDR.
In this update I created a separate off screen framebuffer that everything is rendered to first.
This offscreen framebuffer is a float framebuffer, and can store values outside of the normal [0,1] r…

Hi there !
I just created an additional 350 new sounds to my Monster Pack. Here is me, creating some of those new monster sounds, with a little help from my family !
Watch me go through all the process of Monster Sound Making !
Don't forget to check out my website and subscribe to my newsletter t…