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Figure 1: Atomic Blastman New Game Thumbnail
Meet The New Blastman ModelFigure 2: New Blue Blastman Model
Figure 3: Blastman poses and emotions chart
Character Design - What's new:- From now on, Atomic Blastman has a new …

Figure 1: Atomic Blastman Main Menu
Developing Progress - Shop and ProfileFigure 2: Atomic Blastman Profile Overview Sketch
Shop and Profile - What's new:- Shop backend is fully functional now, all products can be purchased…
lets learn to swim
- no I could fail and drown
- no we will help you, and it's not that scary
- yes it is ,it's terrifying , and I'm not going to do it
- come on, swimming is cool and the best exercise
- no! there are sharks and poison in the water
- Come on, it's not true, we can figure it out
- no! water is a dangero…

I Made story intro (This post contain with music and without music versions)
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Hello, Finally I finished work on first prototype of monsters AI module. Monsters have several states: IDLE, PATROL, DEAD, FLEEING, COMBAT.
Idle monsters are non active even when someone attack them. Patrolling ones are walking around and checking each 0.5s is they have someone to attack in a …
Chapter Three Story
Hello gamers and devs, I'm here to introduce my new story for Chapter Three. check out the story below
After the battle of the Mara Queen Devil and Kibo, Halloween arrived and Stickers and Mara do the terror in Nord Kingdom, even though the ninja cats even defending the kingdom a…
Could you give priority to logged in users? Performance of this site is terrible despite very low traffic. Is that bot overhead?
For me, it all hinges on what constitutes “primarily commercial”. Even devlogs are a vague concept. Some are tutorials targeted at other developers. Example: "Can a tutorial video (which shows or teaches the creative process, or aspects of work, or even strategies to cope with work-life-balance) by…

I like the game and your beard. Can I mine your beard? What would I find? Beard Joke

Almost There is a turn-based survival simulator. Our game will feature some elements of the roguelike and RPG genres. We already accumulated enough game content, so here I will start sharing information about Almost There game with you about once a week.
And now some screenshots of game items.
3D mod…