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The official Quiz Quest Discord server is now live! Join our community to access chats, weekly competitions and exclusive Alpha playtesting! LINK: Quiz Quest Discord
Quiz Quest is a co-operative quiz party game with a choose-your-own-adventure story played through a desktop screen and smartphones. (…
i am open to anything I'm looking for ideas right now.
We do got a discord server theres not much sadly. Discord Link
See you seen cant wait to hear feedback!
Hi everyone!
I've been experimenting with the multiplayer features in Godot and was impressed by the ease of implementation for implementing multiplayer. I would like to start a new project that aims to bring together artists, animators, game designers, level designers, and software developers to cr…
It will be interesting to see your eventual results.
Tom Sloper said:
khawk said:
GDNet sees ~100 requests/minute on averageI wonder how much of that is bots.
A lot. Good bots (search engines) and bad bots. Try to keep the filter up-to-date for the bad bots, but it's difficult to block the script kiddz and attempted hacks. Most common thing to bring thi…

Making a game is hard. Staying motivated is even harder, especially during the current times, no thanks to the pandemic, when most of your team is working from home. When you are engaged in a game which may take a couple of years to complete, there are days when you feel down and lack the motivatio…

In effort to demystify the marketing process, and bring strategies and structure from the world of AAA to indie, Superstring has launched The Zero-Budget Game Marketing Manual - a resource for indie developers offering Brand, PR and community strategies on a shoestring.
From the description:
So you'…
Dr. Wohn’s research area is human-computer interaction in the context of social media, focusing on non-conscious use of technology, such as media habits, and their relation to psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships. She also studies how social media can help wi…