
Latest collision Activity

AABB moving player outside the colliding AABB

gregory2 said:
The way I learned to do this was by stepping the player one direction at a time, and checking collision between each of those steps. You start by moving the player horizontally by their horizontal velocity, and then check for collision. If there's a collision, you step back horizontal…

How does SWEPT AABB collision work in 3D space with objects of different sizes?

In the case of small round objects (bullets, hand grenades, etc) here's what I did:

  • Rather than a true AABB, i used a structure like this
  • XMFLOAT3 vCenter
  • float XScalar, float YScalar, float ZScalar
  • This gives you the center of AABB, and then three vectors that can be stretched on each axis (X,Y,Z). …


    (new post because forum hangs when posting links)

    The article explains the mass properties if a rigid body, including moment of inertia. We use this to model ‘rotation resistance’ of some object. A stick is easy to rotate if we rotate it around it's longest axis, but hard to rotate if we do so aroun…


    @cgrant Thank you for replying

    I known that kinematic actors cannot trigger the "onContact" function during collisions with other kinematic actors.

    In fact, I attempted to call it within my PxQueryFilterCallback filter, but I received a warning stating that "onContact" cannot be used for kinematic-to…

    Help with 3D physics - having trouble getting accurate resolution with friction

    The suggestion to look at old Bullet source was absolutely the best advice anyone could have ever given me. Between that and React Physics 3D, I've learnt so much over the past few days. My rigidbody engine has become fairly stable now. It isn't the most accurate it could be, but the results it gen…

    January 17, 2022 05:33 PM
    DevBlog 13 - Large Ship Collision Challenges

    Adding hand-made collision to the large ships so that fighters cannot fly through them.

    I tweaked the model editor so it can load in models to define collision shapes.

    There now is an XRay mode that lets you see wireframe of the ship with colored rendering of collision shapes.

    To debug collision in th…
