Latest 3Dterrain Activity
OpenGL procedural terrain.
Here is a smalll list of some of the techniques I used here:
. tessellation shaders
. trilinear texture mapping
. 2D billboards
. displacement mapping
. wind animation using noise texture
. advanced bloom via downsampling
Improved bloom + experiments with adaptive exposure.
Bloom is heavily inspired by the method described by Jorge Jimenez in his great slides here: (starts from slide 144)
A small walk inside my procedurally generated terrain. Rendered in OpenGL.
The terrain was created using multiple layers of perlin noise and applying hydraulic erosion on it.
Grass and flowers are rendered using billboards and instancing.
Hello everybody. Sorry for the necroing but between working in another project for a friend, researching other topics and work related issues I totally forgot about following this thread.
During this time I decided to leave the hexagon terrain on hold and keep developing other topics that would allo…