Vivid3D - New open source 3D engine.

Published January 03, 2022

Vivid is a modern C++ 3D engine using OpenGL4+.
It is written using Visual C++ 2022, and relies on several open source projects to achieve it's goal of making it easy and run to make modern games with it.


  • GPU Accelerated Skeletal animations for actors.
  • Unified lighting and shadows.
  • Post-Processing with both GL Compute, and OpenCL realized acceleration.
  • Full Scene Graph system to make it easier to realize your goals.
  • Clever 2D renderer, that batches and speeds up rendering of thousands of images per frame.
  • SmartMeshes - Using bindless textures to reduce whole scenes to a single draw call.
  • Octree scene acceleration.
  • Full synced video+audio playback, supporting many formats including MP4+Mov+Mkv+Avi
  • Real time environment mapping and refractions.
  • AssImp importer, that lets you import over 40+ formats into engine compatible nodes.
  • State system, allows you to easily structure advanced applications.
  • Easy to use material system, with support for different material types.
  • Normal Mapping for per pixel realistic lighting.
  • Terrain system with two forms of terrain generation using height-maps.
  • Multiple light sources.
  • Full physics based on Nvidia Physx 4.1, including all common types including tri-meshes.
  • Component system to easily argument the engine's scene with custom game logic.
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