UnrealCLR Released - a C#/.NET Core plugin for UE4

Published June 17, 2020

UnrealCLR is a plugin which natively integrates .NET Core host into the Unreal Engine with the Common Language Runtime for direct execution of the managed code through user-driven blueprint pipelines to build a game logic using the full power of .NET facilities with engine API. It is open source and available on Github at https://github.com/nxrighthere/UnrealCLR.


  • Host loading, integration, and management during the lifetime of the engine
  • Dynamic loading, unloading, isolation, and dependency resolving of user assemblies at runtime
  • On-the-fly access and execution of the managed functionality through blueprints
  • Runtime exceptions handling and tracing
  • Continuously evolving framework for access to the engine API from the managed code written in idiomatic C#
  • High-performance interoperability through generated IL code and utilization of blittable data types
  • Support of .NET facilities including hardware-accelerated math with transparent re-mapping to vector types of the engine
  • Support of .NET tools for debugging and profiling such as JetBrains product line, dnSpy debugger, and others
  • Full independence from the compilation pipeline of assemblies with support of NuGet packages, analyzers, and generators
  • Automatic project packaging for standalone distribution
  • Carefully handcrafted source code for best maintainability and performance
  • Extensive unit testing to ensure the robustness and consistency
  • Distributed as a plugin and doesn't require rebuilding the engine
  • Documented source code

The plugin is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS (x64).

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