Drag[en]gine Game Engine 1.21 Release
New release with various fixes, improvement for translations in projects, improved ToneMapping/Bloom and more:
- Drag[en]gine: Added tone mapping controls for camera resources.
- Drag[en]gine: Added support to set default value/vector for animator controllers.
- Drag[en]gine: Modified refresh rate not hard limited to 30 on Windows.
- DragonScript: Improving performance of actor behaviors by disabling thinking if the behavior is disabled.
- DragonScript: Added support to ConversationFacePosePlayback to set the SpeechAnimationPlayback blend factor to a controller to allow blend out face pose for the mouth for example while speaking.
- DragonScript: Added support to change the created TranslationManager.
- DragonScript: Added pan, distance, azimuth and elevation controller support to ECBehaviorActorIK.
- OpenGL: Improving bloom effect and tone map handling.
- OpenGL: Fixed performance problem due to deprecated environment map probe switching happening every frame update.
- OpenGL: Fixed component marked as non-GI to end up in GI tracking causing GI to slow down.
- OpenGL: Fixed problem with flickering lights due to occlusion query result not being properly cleared.
- OpenAL: Added safe-guard against a strange, random and rarely happening exception.
- Bullet: Added support to copy vertex position set weights in addition to bone states for components attached using rig mode.
- OpenXR: Added new vive tracker targets supported since extension revision 3.
- DEIGDE: Added support to load/save camera settings from camera panels (... button).
- Project Editor: Added support to set additional run arguments for each profile used only for test running.
- Conversation Editor: Added support for recent file list for Conversation Test Setup, Conversation Test Actor, Conversation Test Game State and Attach LangPack.
- Conversation Editor: Modified action tree items to show long text as tooltip.
- Conversation Editor: Modified actor speak tree item to show full translated text as tooltip.
- Conversation Editor: Modified action tree to show translated text if language pack is attached. Also changed actor speak action panel to show translated text below translation identifier if language pack is attached.
- Conversation Editor: Added support to find missing words on topic group and conversation level. Simplifies the process of finding words in need of speech animation during production.
- Blender Scripts: Fixed incorrect *.deanim file exported if some moves have no shape keys action.
- Blender Scripts: Added support for exporting animations with shape keys.
See the full changelog here: Changelog Release 1.21.
To help distribute your games find here also the updated distribution files for Steam and Microsoft App Store.