
glaux.dll and Dev-C++

Started by June 11, 2002 09:44 PM
4 comments, last by Erunama 22 years, 8 months ago
I am attempting to compile NeHeGL II with Dev-C++. I was getting an error with the resource file, so I removed it from the project, hoping to get it to compile normally. It did, but when I run it, I get an error saying than GLAUX.DLL cannot be found. Before everyone jumps on my back an tells me not to use glaux because it is deprecated, just calm down. I am just trying to get the code to compile first, and then I hope to switch over to OpenIL for images once I start building my game engine. Ok, now about the .dll file. The program worked fine when I compiled it in MSVC++ 4.0, even though there is no glaux.dll on my computer. Why does it search for this file when it is compiled in Dev-C++?
MSVC uses a static library for GLaux and Dev-C++ uses a dynamic library. This means that, MSVC links the code into the executable, while Dev-C++ leaves it in a DLL.

Ok... now how do I go about getting glaux.dll? I am pretty sure it is not in the OpenGL95.exe file (though that does include opengl32.dll and glu32.dll).
Original post by Erunama
Ok... now how do I go about getting glaux.dll? I am pretty sure it is not in the OpenGL95.exe file (though that does include opengl32.dll and glu32.dll).

I seem to recall that ''glaux.dll'' used to be distributed with VC++, it is not any more though...

but you can grab it here (""). For some short instructions on how to use / install it have a look here ("")

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/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
Guppy: Thanks for uploading that for me, I really appreciate it. Now the program works fine, but I''ll have to try to get the resource working now (so I can have that nice little dialog box come up).

And then I''ll have to work at ridding my programs of the dreaded glaux library. I am still debating whether to use my own image load functions (read: the one''s in NeHe''s tutorials), or to use OpenIL for images. Any suggestions from people who have tried both?
I use DevIL (As it is now officially named) in my game engine, and am so happy with the results that chances are I will use it again in the future.

I see no reason why you shouldn''t use DevIL for your image loading needs if you choose to do so. It really is a fine image library IMHO

(Oh yeah, and don''t forget to let DoomWiz know how much you appreciate his work )

Personally I''m not a fan of having to wrestle with file formats. But if you are, then feel free to code away and get supporting your favourite file formats

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