Lets Play Help The Newbie
Ok, heres my problem. I''m trying to get a basic DirectDraw program running. I''ve got my code done(will follow), now I''m basing(?) my code on Andre LaMothe''s book Tricks of the windows game programming gurus. I ran the demo program (demo6_1 for you people who have the CD) and compared his code to mine, I''ve gone over this at least 10 times over the past two days and I can''t find the problem!!! My program compiles fine, no errors or warnings but when i exit it leaves "DirectDraw" in memory(after exiting the program press ctrl+alt+del and you''ll see what i mean.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the bad grammar and things but im REALLY frustrated. Thanx.
// My first attempt at writing a basic DirectDraw program
// Stamp out evil MFC //////////////////////////////////
// INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////
#include // include all the windows headers
#include // include useful macros
#include // standard i/o functions
#include // not sure obviously math
// DEFINES /////////////////////////////////////////////
// GLOBAL VARIABLES ////////////////////////////////////
LPDIRECTDRAW lpdd = NULL; // Pointer to the direct draw 1 interface
LPDIRECTDRAW lpdd4 = NULL; // Pointer to the direct draw 4 interface
HWND global_hwnd = NULL; // Holds our hwnd for global use
HINSTANCE global_hinstance = NULL; // Holds the hinstance for global use
// FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////// WindowProc ////////////////////////
///////////////////// GameInit /////////////////////////
//////// Initialize DirectDraw and other stuff /////////
int GameInit(void *params = NULL, int num_params = 0)
if(FAILED(DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &lpdd, NULL))) // Create a direct draw interface
// Error stuff
return(0); // Return success
} // End if
(LPVOID *)&lpdd4))) // Query for a DirectDraw4 interface
// Error stuff
return(0); // Return success
} // End if
lpdd4->SetCooperativeLevel(global_hwnd, DDSCL_NORMAL); // Set the cooperative level
lpdd = NULL;
} // End GameInit
////////////////// GameShutdown ////////////////////////
//////////// Release all Direct draw stuff /////////////
int GameShutdown(void *params = NULL, int num_params = 0)
lpdd4 = NULL;
///// Basic windows message handling function//////////
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, // Handle to the window
UINT msg, // Holds messages
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam)
PAINTSTRUCT ps; // Used in WM_PAINT messages
HDC hdc; // Handle to a device context
// What is the message?
case WM_CREATE: // Message sent when a window is to be created
// Do any initialization stuff here
return(0); // Return success
case WM_PAINT: // Message sent when a window is to be repainted
hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); // Validate the window
// Do paint stuff here
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
return(0); // Return success
case WM_DESTROY: // Message sent when a window is to be destroyed
PostQuitMessage(0); // Kill the app -- This sends a WM_QUIT message
return(0); // Return success
default: break;
} // End switch
return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)); // Take care of any other messages using
// the default handler DefWindowProc
} // End WindowProc
////////////////// WinMain //////////////////////
// Main function -- used to create your window //
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, // Handle an instance
HINSTANCE hprevinstance, // Handle to the previous instance
LPSTR lpcmdline, // Pointer to the command lne
int ncmdline) // Hold command line stuff
WNDCLASSEX winclass; // This will hold the window class we create
HWND hwnd; // A handle to a window
MSG msg; // Holds windows mesages
// Fill in our windows class////////////////
winclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); // Holds the size of the class
winclass.style = CS_DBLCLKS / CS_OWNDC /
CS_HREDRAW / CS_VREDRAW; // Flags that will define our window
winclass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc; // Points to our message handler
winclass.cbClsExtra = 0; // Windows extra stuff ???
winclass.cbWndExtra = 0; // Windows extra stuff ???
winclass.hInstance = hinstance; // Handle to an instance
winclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,
IDI_APPLICATION); // Application icon
winclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,
IDI_APPLICATION); // Application cursor
winclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); // Brush to paint window with
winclass.lpszMenuName = NULL; // Menu to attach to window
winclass.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; // Name of your windows class
winclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL,
IDI_APPLICATION); // Icon for minimized application
// Register the window class
// Create the window using the registered class
if(!(hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, // Extended style flags
WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, // Class name
"Direct Draw Init Demo", // Title of your window
WS_VISIBLE, // Style flags
0,0, // Top left corner starting coords
400,300, // Size of window
NULL, // Handle to the parent
NULL, // Handle to a menu
hinstance, // Handle to an instance
NULL))) // ????????
////////////// Main Event Loop //////////////////
/////// Where all the action takes place ///////
if(PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) // Test if there are any messages
if(msg.message == WM_QUIT) // Test for WM_QUIT and kill if found
TranslateMessage(&msg); // Translate any accelerator keys
DispatchMessage(&msg); // Sends message to WindowProc for processing
} // End if
// Game_main will go here
} // End while
return(msg.wParam); // Return to windows with this ???
} // End WinMain
There's always something smaller and something bigger. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't piss off the big stuff :)
sorry guys didnt realize it would turn out that long.
There's always something smaller and something bigger. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't piss off the big stuff :)
Well, as I sat around and waited for a response i found my error...
In my main event loop I was passing hwnd to PeekMessage when i should have been passing NULL.
Ain''t I a fool.
If anyone can explain WHY this happend it''d be much appreciated (what does that variable do???)
In my main event loop I was passing hwnd to PeekMessage when i should have been passing NULL.
Ain''t I a fool.
If anyone can explain WHY this happend it''d be much appreciated (what does that variable do???)
There's always something smaller and something bigger. Don't sweat the small stuff and don't piss off the big stuff :)
It''s really late over here, so I''ve got no time to study your code (bed''s waiting
I did notice a small thing, though:
In your main game loop you should use an if-else statement, like this:
//Game processing goes here.
If you do not do this, your game will only be able to process one message for each game update. That will get you in serious trouble if your game is producing more than one message per update, which it may very well do (you never know when windows decides to throw a bunch of messages at you).
It''s no problem in this example, since you don''t have any game processing code, but soon enough you will...
It''s really late over here, so I''ve got no time to study your code (bed''s waiting

I did notice a small thing, though:
In your main game loop you should use an if-else statement, like this:
//Game processing goes here.
If you do not do this, your game will only be able to process one message for each game update. That will get you in serious trouble if your game is producing more than one message per update, which it may very well do (you never know when windows decides to throw a bunch of messages at you).
It''s no problem in this example, since you don''t have any game processing code, but soon enough you will...
hwnd is the window handle... It''s the ID of an app to the OS, so it knows what to pass to that window and how...
"To err is human... To really foul things up requires a computer.."
"To err is human... To really foul things up requires a computer.."
----------------------------"To err is human... To really foul things up requires a computer.."----------------------------
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